
Monday, July 6, 2015

gifts from Bill

Some women love when their husbands bring them bunches of flowers. My own dear man knows me well . . . He brings me interesting bits of nature to sketch! On two occasions last week, he found more unusual mushrooms while mowing and brought them to me.

The first one was brilliant yellow with an earthy-red top but I grabbed a pen loaded with water-soluble ink which darkened my first sketch. The second find was extremely fragile and translucent, something very hard for me to capture.


  1. Lucky you Vicky, I have to check the garden before my husband starts his lawnmower! Lovely mushrooms.

  2. Valerie, I am very blessed by his thoughtfulness! But there are "misses" as well. When we moved to this cabin, the first thing that caught my sketcher's eye was a decaying oak branch covered with lichen and moss; before I could get to it Bill threw it in the burn pit!

    1. Well, drat! Would have love to see that...

    2. I would have loved to have a sketch to remember it. There are such unexpected beauties in Creation!

    3. Yes! I just dragged home a very cool piece of driftwood...

    4. It will probably have to wait till I'm in a SERIOUSLY contemplative mood, or have a lot more's amazingly complex!

  3. We leave little patches of weeds in our lawn when we mow. It keeps a lot of insects happy.
    I love how you got the satiny cap on the mushroom.

    1. Good idea! We live in the country in a wooded area with pastures, ponds, and a lake nearby so there are loads of natural habitats. Although much of the usual areas are currently underwater -- the lake is flooded. So lots of wildlife are foraging in our yard instead. Eating our roses and potted plants.

      I am happy to see the dragonflies return finally, especially with the extra mosquitoes the floods have brought. The dragonflies swarm in large groups feasting on them.


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