
Monday, March 30, 2015

Mediterranean maquis -Concetta Flore

Saturday I went out with my class to the dunes of Castelporziano, near Rome. We'd spent all the previous lesson mixing  greens, and this was to put the lesson in practice. I must say it really worked, I saw the difference between the ones who'd skipped that lesson!
I always try to practice at the same time, so as to demonstrate the procedure. Not an easy task; we were against the sun, and the maquis had an overall warm appearance, with flecks of light reflecting from hundreds of leaves.
We were in a shaded spot, luckily , so not blinded by the sun.

PS the migration is late. At this time of  year you should have swallows and many passerines already busy in the maquis, although the peak is usually last week of april, when the females arrive.But a hoopoe was seen, fresh from Africa.


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