
Thursday, February 19, 2015

30 Minute White Out - Lin Frye

Journal -

A 30 minute white-out that followed our brief snowfall this week.  I could hardly see the trees near my house.  Then a drop in the temps -- 4F this morning.

After our short snow storm early this week which turned to sleet after 90 minutes, then sleet turned to freezing rain. I was able to clear the stairs yesterday, put another light in the cathouse on the porch for additional warmth -- but my long driveway is an ice rink --- our gravel road --- ice chunks, and our paved road hasn't been touched .... As long as the power holds, I'm okay ..... schools closed again as most businesses.

Here in piedmont NC we are not used to any of this ... so the few plows we have get the main roads ... and since we live 4 miles from the main road, we usually have to wait for a warm up or someone with a tractor and private plow before we can get out. We're supposed to have rain and warmer temps on Sunday ... thank heavens we stocked up on everything before the storm.

Lin Frye
North Carolina


  1. Stay safe, Lin. We have had many feet of snow, sleet and rain here in Upstate New Year and it is not getting much better with temperatures so low. Good that you have stocked up.

  2. Your end of the country is getting slammed and we're worried our warm winter is going to open buds to eariy, then freeze them. We just mowed the lawn.
    Love you painting.

  3. Thinking of you, Lin! I hope you stay warm and safe. LOVELY sketch...

  4. I love this sketch, Lin. I don't know where you live, but my husband and I travel from the midwest to the coast a couple times a year, and one of my favorite views is the NC piedmont stretched out before us just after we pass Saluda on I-26. We drove through last year when the Asheville area had 10" of snow. Weird weather all around for the past couple of years. Stay warm! Susan (SusanLily from SBS)

  5. Such a beautiful painting. Hope your cold snap ends soon

  6. Wow lin, I have seen what bad roads and winter can do here in wisconsin but, we are prepared and even still it's bad , many thoughts for you this winter... per usual I love all your sketches and just saw your petunias today... nice colors.. I love color☺


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