
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Just Taking a Bath

We have a beautiful, almost all blue jay here on the West Coast, the Stellar's jay.  Their heads are black.  This jay had just taken a bath, or maybe got really wet in the dense, wet undergrowth, and now was in  the process of drying out and getting his feathers back in order.


  1. They are SO gorgeous...I remember the first one I saw! Thank you for sharing, Elva...

  2. Thank you Kate .... They are so beautiful in the right light.

  3. I LOVE the first sketch when he is all fluffed out and shaking himself.
    I have never seen one of these (in Australia) but the general bird movement is exactly like any other doing that !

  4. These are delightful, I love watching birds bathing in puddles and that blue must be a sight to see!

  5. I love seeing these beauties in our yard.i often wish we had red cardinals like they do back east, but these make up for it. You captured them so well here.


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