
Saturday, November 29, 2014

Eat with your eyes only-Concetta Flore

This mushroom- unedible- was found in a roman Park and it immediately fascinated me with the world of visual stimuli it offered. There are lines, volumes, dots, undefinite shapes, delicate hues, and the maze created by the fragmented surface of the "hat".
For the right-hand study I used a pencil trace, whether for the study on the left, I just plunged with my paintbrush and, starting from a central scale, I lost and found my way into and out of the maze.
It is a feeling of incredible concentration and peace of mind, a  special pleasure that lasts long after saying "that's enough". Because you have to stop before you lose lightness.


  1. What wonderful studies,Concetta! And yes, it is wonderful just observing and exploring as you did. Thank you for sharing...

  2. Well done. I feel as though I can almost pick them up.

  3. It looks as though I can pick up the mushroom on the right. What subtle use of color and shading. Thanks for sharing.


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