
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Back to Shell Island

Yesterday we were at one of my favorite spots on the Oregon coast, Shell Island overlook near Charleston.  There was hardly any wind, calm ocean, and about 1500 sea lions, plus a mix of harbor seals and elephant seals.  We were in no hurry to to move on so I had time to sketch and paint, first the eagle

and then the elephant seals ... its courting time for the elephant seals.

When I sat down to post this I had to laugh at myself because I was pretty sure I've posted the same eagle on the same rock in years past.  At least I hope it is the same eagle.  Bald eagles live for many years and use the same territory year after year.

So I went looking to see if I really had posted the eagle.  I realized immediately that finding them on Nature Sketching was too difficult, but I did find both on my blog ... and just for the fun of it, here they are:
A stormy sea in November 2013.
A quiet, damp day in December 2012.  I was having difficulty getting my paint to dry.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I meant to say, Elva, I just love your nature sketches, beautiful and full of information.

  2. Love seeing these ..that's something capturing that eagle sitting in the same spot. You sure it s not a statue? Lol jk. Wonderful work as usual.

  3. This shows the magic of sketching, you can go back over time and relive a day, a place, a special moment. I love the expression on the face of the eagle as he looks down on the gulls. Thanks Elva for sharing another fascinating nature experience.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing - to be able to see all these wonderful creatures in one day is a miracle. Our shoreline here in the mid-Atlantic only has birds and crabs.

  5. How wonderful to share these places with you, Elva...somehow sketches do what photos cannot.


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