
Friday, July 18, 2014

our resident Berwick's Wren

When we moved in to this log cabin, there were two ornamental log houses left on the bookshelf by the former owners. I needed the space for books, so I moved these outside to a plant shelf in our covered patio. It sits in the corner, up against the place where corner logs meet and overlap.

Recently I was messing about with a plant on the middle shelf when I was surprised by a wee bird flying out from the larger of the two houses. (OK, Bill said I jumped and shrieked.) Apparently a Bewick's Wren has moved in! I haven't seen a wren since I was around 6 years old in Illinois.

I've now seen a pair of wrens sitting on the back of a porch swing, the female having a bit of food in her beak. So I'm wondering if there is a baby inside?


  1. That is so neat! Funny how birds take advantage of a situation. What a wonderful,sketch and story.

  2. Oh! Aren't you lucky! It certainly sounds as though there are babies inside. Sweet sketch.

  3. We have seen a baby in the "door" hole, beak wide open and waiting for mama's return. No sounds heard, but we try to avoid staying out on the patio too long so we won't worry the parents.

  4. Vicky, you are so very lucky! We haven't seen Bewick's Wrens in Tennessee for many years. I love that you are recording this special story in words and art!

    1. Vickie, I hadn't seen a wren since I was around 6 or 7 years old living on a farm in Illinois! VERY excited to have one nesting here!


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