
Friday, March 8, 2013

Dandelion Clocks - Lin Frye

Dandelion Clocks by linfrye ....
Dandelion Clocks, a photo by linfrye .... on Flickr.

8" x 12" Watercolor
Arches 140#CP

Though snow flew for 45 minutes the other day, the dandelions have begun making their annual appearance and in many sunny instances, have already set seed and begun their plentiful propagating ... sigh ...

But, there are more ways to conquer these prolific problem plants -- EAT 'EM!

And spring is the perfect time. These tender dandelion leaves are just perfect for preparing a spring tonic. Chickweed, henbit, bittercress, wild onions are all greening my property, and I'm thinking that along with changing the clocks this weekend to daylight savings time, a collection of these tasty ephemerals -- stewed with a bit of olive oil and a bit of red pepper or made into a savory omelet -- might just be what the doctor ordered to welcome the new season.

Care to join me?!

Lin Frye
North Carolina


  1. What an amazing painting. Love it's fluidity and detail. Dandelions are so magical -- you remind of this with this painting.

  2. ha conseguido plasmar la ligereza y delicadeza de esa flor a la perfección ,me encanta.

  3. ha conseguido plasmar la ligereza y delicadeza de esa flor ,me encanta !!


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