
Saturday, February 11, 2012


We have a LOT of American goldfinches at the shed this year.  I've never had the opportunity to see so many, so close, and it's interested to see them in mid-moult, from winter colors toward spring. 

In a month or so, this little guy will be bright yellow in the places he now shows an olive-y brown, and he'll wear a jaunty black cap that's just now coming in, a few feathers at a time.

They're amazingly bold little birds, taking over the feeders and refusing to give ground, fussing among themselves, and staying put when I go in and out.  Very much UNlike the chickadees, which seem to travel mostly alone, and do a quick snatch-and-run!


  1. Lovely sketch and description of these birds' prespring plumage. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Cathy, You've captured him beautifully, and I love the description.

  3. Thank you! I was delighted to catch this view in transition...

  4. Oh, he is beautiful and starting to show a little bit of color. I have both lesser goldfinches and American goldfinches in my yard. Fun to watch their busyness.

  5. Lovely Kate! I love seeing those flashes of gold in the spring. Ours seem to get scarce in the heat of summer the return with it cools off.

  6. Thank you, Elva and Paula...and yes, mine kind of disappear for a while in the summer too. I'm delighted with their almost constant presence this winter!

  7. One of my favorite birds! What a delightful portrait!

  8. I love your portrait, too, Kate! We aren't seeing quite as many here this season as we usually do (when there's rain and an actual winter)(.


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