
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Woodpecker Condo

Noodler's flex pen and watercolor...

Our old cabin is surrounded by walnut trees; for years I'd watched the woodpeckers build their homes above my head, knowing that they'd hollowed out the tree beside the deck.  This winter, our howling winds took out the top of this one, and I dragged it up onto the deck to sketch. 

This particular nest had two entries...the one near the bottom of the photo probably led to another hollow like the one between these two...

Our friends were out cutting wood--another tree that had fallen near the cabin--and Joseph was fixing the broken window, so I sat on the deck and sketched.


  1. Love this, Kat. Beautifully sketched. I'm sure the woodpeckers already checked out. What a great piece.

  2. It was very cool! And yes, I don't imagine the young were still around...

  3. This is fascinating. I always wonder what happens to the occupants when snags like this fall down. I always love the freshness of your sketches. They are so "immediate."

  4. I love how your sketches bring objects to life more than an actual photo does. And in this case you've resuscitated something that is actually dead! Nice!

  5. great sketch, full of life and matter!

  6. excellent for sketching, excellent results!

  7. I never had thought about how woodpeckers built a nest so this is fascinating to me. I'll bet if I looked carefully I'd find this kind of "condo" out back where the hurricane took down a bunch of our trees.

  8. Your drawing is beautiful! I like it better than the actual piece of the tree. Your sketch book work is amazing and I hope it becomes a book someday so we can all have a copy of it in our libraries!


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