
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bear Tree

I've been walking by this interesting Live Oak, Quercus virginiana, for a year and a half, and finally, just the right day arrived to sketch it! I don't know if I achieved the look of a bear face in my drawing, but in real life it really does resemble one :)

The tree stands along a sidewalk in our neighborhood. I had to set my chair right in the middle of the walkway to capture the entire tree.  When I stood in front of the bear face for the close up, a delightful Fox Squirrel, Sciurus niger, peeked from behind the tree. It was quite curious about the human standing there. At one point I thought it was going to leave the tree and inspect me up close!

Our lowcountry weather has been so absolutely balmy this November and December as compared to the last two years.  We really need a freeze. Our early spring wildflowers are thinking it's time to bloom!


  1. I learned a lot from studying this--esp. the color of the trunk--esp. in the shadows at the top of the trunk. It is beautiful color. Thanks!

  2. I love how trees have personalities! You have captured this one. and looks like a bear!

  3. Wonderful study of this tree, I love the story as well!

  4. Thanks, CBS! I'm happy this page helped you! I like to squint at my subject. It helps me see the lights and dark shapes better. I focus on the shapes versus the object and somehow it all comes together :)

    Thanks, Lindsay! I hoped it did look to others how I see it :)

    Thanks, Desiree. The squirrel was such a perk to my day :) Wish I could have capture it better, but I certainly will remember the thrill!

  5. Beautiful field study, Pam, and I love the squirrel story!

  6. Hi Pam! I always enjoy your pages and this one is no exception. It really does look like a bear. And I love the squirrel story. Encounters like that with wild animals always leave me enchanted.

  7. Thank you Studio!

    Thanks, Paula. Yes, enchanted is a great word for animal encounters!

  8. Great sketch ... wonderful what comes along when we are sketching in the field.


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