
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Feeder Birds

Most of a journal spread...there's a bit of text on the page on the right...
Detail...I decided to add a touch of color with colored pencil on the downy woodpecker.
My morning routine usually includes some time in my little shed studio, with a cup of coffee and some bird watching.  I had a section of toned paper in my journal, and decided to draw the tree just off the deck with my Micron Pigma pen.

The feeders are on shepherd's hooks just in front of the tree, so the birds find it a perfect perch as they take turns at the 3 feeders there.

This morning, in addition to the goldfinch (9 in all at the feders) and downy woodpecker you see here, there were snowbirds, sparrows, chickadees, titmice, cardinals, brown creepers, and blue jays.  A noisy bunch!


  1. I love how such a small portion of the whole composition grabs attention with the splash of colour.

  2. Yes, that's lovely and a very effective sparse use of color.

  3. Thank you, it was fun to play with! I've since added my vermillion Chinese seal, which brings out the tiny spot of red on the woodpecker!

  4. Beautiful, I love sketches on toned paper with those white highlights, must get some toned paper myself.

    That looks like a sketchbook to envy! :)


  5. I love the simplicity of the branches, beautiful

  6. I, too, really love your economy of line and that pop of red. But what really grabs me is the design of the spread. I'd love to see it with the writing and the seal, too. And what a wealth of song birds. Lucky you!

  7. Paula, if I get less lazy, I'll scan and stitch the images won't fit on my scanner! And thank you, Felicity, Matteo, and Paula!


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