
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Black-crowned Night Heron Juvi

Black-crowned Night Heron Juvi by PJBee
Black-crowned Night Heron Juvi, a photo by PJBee on Flickr                                                                                 Great Egrets and Night Herons have been roosting of late in the trees surround a pond by our home.

This morning there were five egrets and a couple of herons but by the time I made it back out to sketch them the egrets were gone.

This juvi paid me no mind and posed beautifully. I should have had my scope as peering through bins then looking down to the paper was a bit challenging. You can lock a scope to one spot. I had to search for the bird each time I held the bins up :) Ah, but it's all part of the joy of sketching plein air!


  1. Neat drawing and notes! Reminds me I should use my life cycle that I've got sitting here in my studio! Good luck with the elliptical and the overhaul.

  2. You did a wonderful job, Pam! I've only seen one of these birds in my life, how cool...

  3. Thank you, Spiritartartist :) Made a big dent in the studio.

    Thanks, Kate! Next time I'll take the time to grab the scope. Night herons are cool. We see them fly around at dusk. They have a surprisingly big wing span.

  4. Was trying to figure out what bins were. I finally did. They ARE hard to refocus once you put them down. Saw this on your blog and loved it.

  5. Great sketch (and the whole page is delightful) Pam. I still don't know what a "bin" is. Can you enlighten me please? Thanks.

  6. I really like how you "outlined" the leaves but not the bird. It's unusual, cool, and it works. And now I want to try it.

  7. Really arty and unusual, though very neat and enjoyable, Pam! Juv night herons are very good models, it looks as they think they're invisible.

  8. Thanks Cris! Sorry for the 'bins' confusion :)

    Thanks, Paula! 'Bins' is short for binoculars :)

    Thanks, Cranky Bird Studio! I added the pen work last. Felt like the leaves needed a little more detail and the whole page, a boost. I love having the option of adding ink :)

    Thanks, Concetta! This heron surely thought he was hidden well. At one point he shut his eyes!


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