
Monday, May 30, 2011

May 2011: Cornflower

When I first saw this mystery flower:
May 2011: Nigella Damascena
my first thought was that it's a version of cornflower - and a few days later I found this one to compare :)

May 2011: Cornflower by apple-pine

May 2011: Cornflower, a photo by apple-pine on Flickr.


  1. Looks like Love in a Mist. They are beautiful aren't they. Great studies.

  2. Lovely comparison drawings! You'll find that cornflowers don't produce a great seed pod but they also volunteer if they aren't deadheaded.

  3. Love the way these are both artistic and diagnostic--the best parts of nature sketching--nicely done.

  4. This is a PERFECT post for this blog, Nina, thank you! Beautiful and informative...

  5. Love your sketches - free yet with enough detail to remember how to draw them in the future.

  6. Beautiful, don't you just love cornflowers or bachelor buttons as we call them. I love growing them in all colors


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