
Friday, November 19, 2010

A Nature Walk

Over a week ago the sun was out and the weather was just gorgeous. We were having nearly an Indian Summer. I had been cooped up to long and could not resist any longer the call to be outside and at Presque Isle. I had my camera but not my binoculars. Yikes how could I forget them. Sometimes I wonder where my head is. Oh well I was going to enjoy my walk anyways. I started out on the lake side entering the Old Gaswell Trail and immediately I was upon a flock of Robins high in the bare canopy. Yes the Robins do gather in winter and stay in wooded areas. They leave our yards and head for the woods. Here they feed on the berries left behind by fallen leaves in the trees and large brush. At first they were to high for me to capture any shots worth keeping but later in my walk I came across some that were closer to the ground and with the sun behind me I could at least get some reference photos for later use in my sketchbooks and future paintings. Below is a selection of what I captured that day.

The Old Gaswell Trail as I entered from the lake side.

There are still wild grapes hanging for the birds to feast on.

And winter berries.

Nothing like sticking your beak up in the air at me. There coloring is so subdued this time of year.

I took the side trail Canoe Portage which ends at the bay near the Marina.  Colorful leaves float in the water.

Back on the Gaswell Trail where deep ruts from tires left pools of water for the birds to drink and bath.

I think there was going to be a party because the Tit Mouse and Chickadees were having a ball getting clean.

Can you see them? Two chickadees and a Tit Mouse. You may have to click on the photo to see it larger.

Splish Splash I'm taking a bath!


  1. Wonderful, Toni, I feel as if I were right there with you...which I need to be!

    I love posts like this...

  2. Thank you Kate! One of these days you and I will take a walk in the woods.

  3. I would LOVE it. Then come back for soup...

  4. What a lovely walk, Toni, and that leaf reminds me of your leaf that graces my living room wall!

    Interestingly, where we are in Texas, we have only winter robins...and they are here in force! Also this year, much to my disgust, we have English sparrows at the feeders. Last year they were gone. Of course, we have the feeder hogs, too, white-winged doves, but at least they are native, although they are supposed to be here only in summer...hummmmmmm. And the Incas we had for years are gone, as are the mourning in town.

  5. What a treasure walk! Love that you captured the chickadee bath!

  6. Relaxing and refreshing. Always love your "recipee" style sketches.

  7. Robins in damp winter woods. I can almost hear the rustle when they fly up in front of you. Nice sketch!


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