
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Central California Coast

These are a few of the things I found during our week staying near San Luis Obispo, California. Before packing my bags to fly home to Iowa, I gathered my treasures in one place.

Central Coast California Treasures

Hiking along the craggy coastline of the Point Buchon Trail was a highpoint of our trip. It was a calm and sunny day. I drew from the edge of the cliff, the roiling surf glistened below and the barking of unseen sea lions serenaded me. This is a place I yearn to return to, again and again. 
Point Buchon Trail, Again

From the house where we stayed, soft morning light washed over the sparsely treed hills.
Hills Above Edna Valley, Morning


  1. What a glorious record of your trip, Marcia...I almost feel as if I were there.

    1. Your comment, Cathy, gives me great satisfaction, knowing that I've communicated some essence of my experience.

  2. Dear Marcia - wonderful memories captured of your trip. Loved seeing your sketches. Have a great Thanksgiving.

  3. Love seeing this work Marcia. Right up my alley! Love to see you and the work in person....

  4. Your art says to me you had a wonderful trip.

    1. You said it, Elva! Traveling and drawing as I go is heaven on earth for me. (I suspect for you, too!)


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