
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pine tree grove- Concetta Flore

Back from a working holiday on the Tuscan coast and with little to show- I was studying and tutoring most of the time- but this one watercolor I produced in a well-known place called Feniglia, one of the Isthmus (?)  that conects the Argentario mountain with the mainland.
The song of cicadas was deafening but the light poured into the large walkways and the sky reflected on the tree trunks made the simphony of shades just too tempting.
As I lately love to do, I painted direct with no pencil. I ruthlessly "logged" some trees that were in the way- no worry, only on my sheet of paper! and enjoyed every minute of it.


  1. Love your color blending Concetta. This almost looks like colored pencil.

    1. Thanks Paula,
      I think it's mostly the paper, nuage finish, that tends to give soft edges.

  2. Beautiful! I particularly love the main tree on the left, with the intricate pattern of the bark.

  3. Your painting has a lovely feeling of sunlight and shadows.

  4. Thanks Elva,
    it's just what I wanted to paint! Actually the colours are a bit crude on the web.


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